Meditation, Pranayama, & Prana
Awakening Awareness & Life Force
Mindfulness Meditation awakens an unchanging pure awareness which underlies the whole of life. Meditation helps to develop bodhichitta, awakened heart or enlightened mind, and maitri, unlimited friendliness with your self and others. Meditation is very practical, and while practiced formally on the cushion, is really a way of entering into life as a meditation – with presence, awareness, aliveness, and an open heart. Prana is the life force that permeates your body as well as the universe at all levels. Prana, consciously directed through breath and movement, is a powerful, energizing, stabilizing, and regenerating force. These ancient and practical practices explore the inner realms of mindfulness in silent stillness, breath, and movement to support awareness, health, and deep well being. Instruction and practice in silent sitting and walking meditation, pranayama (breath practices), and active meditations. No prior experience is necessary.
Fee : $150 for 1½ hour session. (Sliding scale available) Individual and couples therapy sessions also available by appointment.
• Mindfulness Meditation I
Introduction: Astanga yoga (8 limbs). Kosas. Mindfulness-awareness, silent sitting meditation.
• Mindfulness Meditation II
Mantra and chanting. Mindfulness in everyday life: sitting and walking meditation.
• Pranayama — The Breath of Life I
Conscious nutrition, eating meditation. Opening the Nadis. Lying pranayama: soft belly, diaphragmatic, Ujjayi.
• Pranayama — The Breath of Life II
Mudra. P osture. Sitting pranayama: Ujjayi, sama/visama vrtti ,Viloma Inhalation, Viloma Exhalation.
• Pranayama — The Breath of Life III
Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala Nadis. Sitting pranayama: Kapalabhati, Nadi Sodhana, Sitali/Sitkari, Bhramari.
• Active Meditation — Awakening Energy
Awakening life force energy in authentic movement & silent stillness.
• Active Meditation — Directing and Expanding Energy
Bandhas. Chakras. Sushumna breathing – clearing the nadis.
• Active Meditation — Freeing Energy
Kriyas. Clearing physical and emotional blocks through dynamic movement and silent stillness.
• Breathing Meditation — Transforming Energy
Dynamic breathing practice. Option: a supported breathing exploration using the Quantum Light Breath, a transformational breathing process.
• Silent Practice — Cultivating Compassion
The Four Immeasurables. Tonglen practice. Deepening into silent stillness.
Practice Days
Note: No classes or workshops are being offered at this time.
Practice Day 1 : Meditation & Pranayama I
Astanga yoga (8 limbs). Kosas. Mindfulness-awareness, silent sitting and walking meditation. Mantra and chanting. Conscious nutrition. Opening the Nadis. Lying pranayama: soft belly, diaphragmatic, Ujjayi, Viloma Inhalation, Viloma Exhalation.
Practice Day 2 : Meditation & Pranayama II
Silent meditation. Chanting. Mudra. Bandhas. Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala Nadis. Lying Pranayama: measured breathing. Sitting pranayama: Ujjayi, Kapalabhati, Nadi Sodhana, Sitali/Sitkari, Bhramari.
Practice Day 3 : Meditation & Awakening Prana
Silent meditation. Chanting. Active meditation: awakening life force energy in authentic movement & silent stillness.Chakra breathing. Sushumna breathing – clearing the nadis.
Practice Day 4 : Meditation & Transforming Energy
Silent meditation. Chanting. Kriya practices. Active meditation: clearing physical and emotional blocks through dynamic movement & deepening into silent stillness. The Quantum Light Breath – a transformational breathing process. Tonglen meditation.
Silent Retreats
Note: No classes or workshops are being offered at this time.
Immerse in silent stillness, mindful movement, and conscious breath in a setting of beauty and tranquility. Sacred shrines, vegetarian meals, and acres of hiking trails through redwoods and oak. Retreats have been held at Land of Medicine Buddha – a retreat center for healing and developing a good heart. 5800 Prescott Road, Soquel.
Retreats also available in other locations.
To Register for Practice Sessions and Classes
Note: No classes or workshops are being offered at this time.
Call for more information or to register. Practice sessions are $150 for 1 1/2 hour session. Sliding scale available. Cancellation Policy: Refund up to first session, credit thereafter.
Call Marilynne at (925) 962-1042 or email [email protected].